The Obstetrics Unit at the Pembroke Regional Hospital (PRH) is committed to ensure that families receive patient centered, safe, effective nursing care. The Health Care Team consists of highly trained professionals with a strong commitment to mothers and families. The PRH Obstetrics team consists of Obstetricians, Family Physicians, Midwives, Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses, Social Workers, Clergy, Respiratory Therapists, Lactation Consultants, Residents and Nursing Students.
Our services include a birthing unit, nursery (for babies who may require a higher level of care), post-partum unit and outpatient clinic. PRH has a close partnership with Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), Champlain Maternal Health Regional Program (CMNRP), and Renfrew County District Health Unit (RCDHU) to ensure that patients and families receive optimum patient care.
Madawaska Valley Midwives Contact Information: (613) 687-6333 or 1-833-687-6333 15 Lake St., Killaloe, ON K0J 2A0
Current Initiatives
The Baby-Friendly Initiative (BFI) is an evidence-based program of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). BFI is a health strategy that results in improved mother and infant health. BFI promotes the efficient use of resources within families, health care institutions and society.
PRH recognizes the importance of Mother-baby dyad care in the immediate post-partum period. Emphasis is place on ensuring skin-to-skin contact of healthy infants and mothers from birth as much as possible. PRH recognizes the benefits to baby and Mother and view the Mother baby dyad as an essential component of evidence-based maternal newborn care.
Welcome to the Obstetrics Unit - A Virtual Tour
All new moms are encouraged to pre-register prior to delivery in an effort to make the admission process easier. Pre-registration can be completed any day of the week between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the Registration desk adjacent to the Emergency Department.
This is NOT the Registration office. There is no need to see the nurse. DO NOT fill out the green slip in front of this office.
This IS the Registration office.
It is labelled "Registration 2".
Please bring health card and Insurance information with you. Please note all our labour rooms are private accommodation, if you have semi-private or ward coverage you will be moved to your appropriate accommodation after delivery. Please note, that you will always have private accommodation for delivery, however when the Obstetrics Unit is busy we may not always be able to ensure a private room in the post-partum period. We will make every effort to move you to your appropriate accommodation when a private room becomes available.
What to Bring to Hospital
Paid parking is operated by SP+. Automated pay stations are located at the hospital's main entrance (Tower B) and in the lobby of Tower D and machines at the gates allow for contactless debit and credit card payment with tap and use WAVE technology for contactless ticket entry.
Parking rates: Gated Parking Area (no in/out privileges)
$2 for the first 20 minutes
$4 for 21-40 minutes
$6 for 41-60 minutes
$8 for 61 minutes to daily maximum
NEW - Day Pass (with in/out privileges)
The new Day Pass allows for same-day in and out privileges and is available for purchase at the parking pay stations (Tower B and D lobbies) for $8.
The ticket will allow in and out privileges for 24 hours from the time you first entered the parking lot.
Parking rates: Accessible Parking Area (includes in/out privileges)
Visitors who require more frequent visits may purchase a frequent user pass at the SP+ office located in room C004 (Tower C, next to Mulvihill Drug Mart) between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday (excluding holidays).
5 parks/ $25
10 parks/ $40
25 parks / $75
For any parking related concerns or questions, please contact SP+ by phone (613) 635-7275 or ask one of the parking attendants on duty.
All babies born at PRH will have a Hugs security tag applied to their ankle to ensure that they will not be taken off the unit at any time. Hugs security tag will be removed prior to discharge.
Designated support person is welcome at any time.
In order to allow new mothers to rest and receive the care they require, other visitors are welcome between 11:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. daily, provided they have confirmed the visit with the mother.
Visitors are restricted to two (2) per patient.
Visitors may be requested to leave the room in order to facilitate patient care.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult over age 18 years
Please do not visit the Obstetrics Unit if you are feeling unwell
Ask Masi
During your hospital stay, a lactation consultant is available onsite to assist as needed.
Post-discharge, local retired Obstetrics Nurse and Breastfeeding Counsellor Mary Anne "Annie" Vaillancourt is available for virtual (Facetime) one-on-one help for breastfeeding mothers. Topics can include any breastfeeding concerns or questions or any virtual live support for mother, baby and family. Appointments can be made through email or phone (819) 431-4056 (text or call).
The infant formula preparation guide is available for a free download in 16 languages
Online Resources