Visiting Hours

For Family:

Family members are welcome at anytime (24/7) to participate in care or to offer reassurance and support. The appropriate number of family at any time for each patient can be determined in discussion with the care team. Patient’s requested visitor restrictions are always respected.


Public Visiting Hours:

Public visitors are welcome between 11:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. daily. Children are welcome with adult supervision.  


Please note that: 


  • Patients who feel unwell are asked to ensure that the health care provider at their appointment is aware of their symptoms.
  • Visitors are directed to return home if they feel unwell or have symptoms of any illness that may be contagious. 

Masking at PRH

Given the high rates of respiratory illnesses (RSV, Influenza and COVID-19), both in our community, and among our patient and staff populations, the Pembroke Regional Hospital is mandating masking in parts of its health care facility.  


In addition to enhanced masking requirements for staff and physicians, PRH patients and visitors who are able, will now need to wear a provided procedure/surgical mask in the following situations:

  • When visiting the Emergency Department
  • When seated in the Emergency Department waiting room
  • When visiting a patient on any of the hospital’s clinical units 


Masks are not required in public areas such as hallways, elevators, other waiting rooms/areas, the cafeteria or the café, but are available for anyone who prefers to wear one.

Those who are feeling unwell should avoid visiting patients in the hospital or accompanying someone to the hospital. Patients who have an appointment at PRH but feel unwell should also wear a mask. Pembroke Regional Hospital will continue to monitor respiratory illness trends within
the hospital and the community and will reassess this requirement regularly.  


Outpatient Areas


(Emergency, Ambulatory Clinics, Surgical Day Care)


Patients receiving treatment in outpatient areas are requested to have a maximum of one person accompanying them during their visit.


As the use of scented products causes allergic reactions in many people, visitors are asked to not wear or use scented products.

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