Staff Discounts

PRH Staff Association

  • One-year membership is $65 ($2.50 / pay period).
  • Full and part-time staff pay for their membership through payroll deduction. (Contact HR to sign up) 
  • Casual, Temporary and Contract Staff, as well as physician, EORLA staff and Dialysis staff can pay $52 for a one-year membership in the PRH Finance office (5th Floor, Tower A). 

2024 Membership Letter and 2023 Year-End Summary 


For more information, please contact Staff Association President Carolyn Levesque at extension 6165 or email carolyn.levesque@prh.email.  


Local Health and Fitness Facilities

Pembroke Fitness Centre (located at Best Western Pembroke) 

Special for all emergency service workers.

The package includes use of our fully equipped weight room, cardio equipment, fitness classes, indoor pool, unlimited tanning, towel service, hot tub and sauna.
The cost is 6 months for $195.


Garrison Petawawa Recreation Department (Dundonald Hall Fitness, Sports and Aquatic Centre) 


Membership with the PSP Plan program entitles eligible staff members to access the gym, weight room, running track, pool and many other facilties during open hours; as well as free access to select exercise classes, skating at the arena and discounts on various programs and services offered through Community Recreation. For a full view of services, please visit www.cfmws.ca.

Single $50 + Tax (monthly) / $250 + Tax (6 months) / $385 + Tax (1 year)

Family $85 + Tax (monthly) / $340 + Tax (6 months) / $500 + Tax (1 year) 


Integrated Health Centre 

PRH staff are eligible tor receive a Free MedEx Trial (booked consecutively) - valued at $50

25% off Dansko professional footwear (one-time purchase, 1 per calendar year) 


For more information, please email: info@integratedhealthcentre.ca 


Telephone Providers  

Rogers discounts for staff of the Pembroke Regional Hospital 


Insurance Providers  

Western Financial Group

Western Financial Group logo  

As a PRH employee, you qualify for insurance with our hospital plan. 


  • Save up to 25% on home and auto insurance with our exclusive group rates.  
  • Available to employees, retirees and their families of the Pembroke Regional Hospital.  


For more information, call (613) 735-0621 or email pembrokenelson@westernfg.ca. 


The Co-operators Group Auto and Home Insurance 


  • Save up to 40% when you get an auto or home insurance quote. 


 Call 1-800-387-1963 for more information. 

 ad graphic

 perks graphic

 perks 2nd advertising graphic


EGM Insurance 


  • Save up to 25% on home and auto insurance with our exclusive group rates. 
  • Available to employees, retirees and their families of the Pembroke Regional Hospital. 


For more information call (613) 735-0621 or email info@egminsurance.com


Poster with details about the current promotion and a photo of a dog  

Miscellaneous Discounts  

Scrubs for Them Professional Uniforms

2121 Carling Avenue, Ottawa (613) 724-7771/ www.scrubsforthem.com


  • Located in Ottawa's Carlingwood Shopping Centre, hospital staff can sign up for a points-based discount program on an individual basis. 


CAA Membership 

Prices effective September 1st, 2023: 


  •  Premier Primary: $155 +tax (Reg. $189)
  • Premier Associate: $130 +tax (Reg. $159)
  • Plus Primary: $125 +tax (Reg. $149)
  • Plus Associate: $98 +tax (Reg. $119)
  • Classic Primary: $97 +tax (Reg. $99)
  • Classic Associate: $67 +tax (Reg. $69)


Don’t drive or need roadside assistance? No problem! Our newest membership available for group rates is our Everyday membership. CAA Everyday Membership is for those who don't need roadside coverage. Designed for people who walk, run, cycle, or drivers who want to save on fuel. CAA Everyday provides all the benefits of Membership, like insurance savings, travel savings, as well as get discounts of everyday purchases and score savings with thousands of Rewards partners worldwide, both in-store and online. And if you pop a tire or break a chain on your bike? CAA Bike Assist is built into the Membership, too.


Our Everyday membership is available at just $28.00 + tax per year, for primaries and associates. (Reg. $30)


Your employees may join with our attached join form, return via email groups@caaneo.on.ca, by phone 1-800-267-8713, or in store.


 flyer with membership details


 CAA flyer with membership details


To take advantage of your group rate, please fill out this form, contact us at groups@caaneo.on.ca, or call 1-866-220-1205.


Park 'N Fly


New rates effective December 1, 2024:

Ottawa Self-Park  $13.99 (Daily), $65.99 (Weekly), $124.99 (Monthly)

Toronto Self-Park $16.99 (Daily), $89.99 (Weekly), $169.99 (Monthly)

Montreal Express $22.99 (Daily), $114.99 (Weekly), $459.96 (Monthly) 


ad with instructions and discount code  




graphic explaining how to register for Perkopolis  

Access Perks




calpyso waterpark logo Individual discount codes are now available for PRH staff looking to purchase up to 6 tickets for Calypso Water Park during the 2024 season.

To receive your personal code, please email pr@prh.email.
Since we only have a limited number of codes currently available, please request one only if you are planning to purchase tickets.




Calabogie Peaks 


Flyer detailing specifics about the resort and the staff discount  

Great Wolf Lodge Corporate Discount  


Our corporate code is PEMB1G8

Ad for special rates featuring a photos of two people on a water slide





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