Accreditation 2023 - Safety Culture

Safe and Secure Hospital Environment by Sheldon Higginson

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Pembroke Regional Hospital is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all staff, physicians, volunteers, patients, and visitors. Multiple strategies ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone. Ensuring a safe and secure environment is also a requirement of Accreditation Canada.


General Security:

  • Wear your hospital ID badges at a visible height at all times. This not only helps patients know who you are, but co-workers as well. If needed for your personal security, put your first name only on your badge. Don’t lend your badge to anyone and report lost or stolen badges immediately to Human Resources.
  • Be aware of your surroundings wherever you are. Whether it is in a patient room or the hallway, be observant of what is happening around you. Recognize your exit paths and where to get to a safe space.
  • Keep your belongings secure, especially when unattended.  
  • Don’t let unauthorized individuals “tailgate” you through secure doors.
  • Secure doors should never be propped open. Use a second person if required.
  • If a hospital wide emergency shut down is needed, all outside doors that lock automatically at night can be activated by a keyed box in Maintenance. People can exit during this time but only staff can enter back in through swipe activated doors.



photo of lock  photo of swipe pad


  • Sensitive or confidential papers and files should not be left un-attended. Lock away when not in use.
  • Hospital entrance doors have a posted “opening” schedule and lockdown procedure to help maintain the security of the building.



photo of door notice  


  • Know your Emergency Response Codes and how to respond to them. Call ext. 6666 for activating a code or emergency response.
  • Alert your Manager of suspicious activity.
  • Notify your manager, and complete RIMS incident report in the event of a security incident.



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As an additional precaution and under specific circumstances, Personal Panic Alarm pendants are used at the hospital:  

  1. One type is tied into a monitored security system at the hospital and is issued for use in key areas such as the Emergency Department and Acute Mental Health.  
  2. Screechers may be issued to an individual that is under a personal safety plan and is not linked to the security system. When activated, these not only illicit a loud noise (screech) that may distract an attacker and allow escape by the staff person but should also draw attention to the scene. A sudden loud screech needs to be investigated immediately.



Parking Lot Security:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and observant of what is happening around you. Scan your routes and where to get to a safe area.  
  • Have your keys ready to open your car. Check the interior before entering your vehicle.
  • Watch for strangers loitering in the parking lot. Don’t leave your vehicle if they are near by and lock your door. Call to someone inside for assistance if feeling unsafe. If leaving the building and see a stranger near your car, wait till they leave or walk with a co-worker.
  • Don’t leave belongings visible in your parked car and keep your vehicle locked.  
  • Park in lighted areas if leaving at night.


Additional Safeguards include:

  • Commissionaire coverage during the evening hours; utilized to ensure the buildings are secure. The individual will conduct rounds ensuring doors are locked and nothing is out of place. Part of their rounds is to enforce the hospital’s “No Smoking” policy. They are to attend a Code White as an observer only as they are not authorized or trained in the use of force. At the end of their shift a report is provided to the hospital.


For more information, please access the “Identification and Building Access Cards”, “Door Lock Down Procedure”, “Personal Panic Alarms” and the “Emergency Preparedness through an Incident Management System” policy documents available on the intranet under Policy Medical.



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