Accreditation 2023 - Communication

SBAR - Interdepartmental Communication Tool by Caroline Froment

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Transfer of accountability - or providing “report” or “handover”- is a crucial component of the care transition process. This communication strategy is used amongst healthcare providers to enhance teamwork, promote patient safety and decrease the risk of error. This flow of information occurs during all unit to unit transfers. It consists of comprehensive and accurate verbal and written exchanges of patient care information amongst nursing team members with an opportunity for clarification on vital patient information.


The SBAR is the validated communication tool that is used to communicate clear elements of a patients’ condition and care plan during an interdepartmental transfer of accountability in a standardized format. This tool is recognized globally and its’ use decreases opportunity for information to be omitted or misunderstood by the sending and receiving health care providers. With variable communication during transitions of patient care there is an increase in potentially serious clinical consequences and represent a major gap in safe patient care. The “sender” and “receiver” share equal responsibility of ensuring that an SBAR is complete and accurate to promote high quality safe patient care.

What does SBAR stand for? Click here for the ‘Quick Tip’


- Situation: What is going on with the patient? What is the situation you are calling/communicating about?

- Background: What is the background or context on this patient?
- Assessment: What is the problem? E.g vital signs, laboratory results

R- Recommendation: What is the next step in the management of the patient?


Strategies that are used to ensure safe and standard communication during transfer of accountability at PRH include: 

  • Modified version of SBAR is expected to be used and documented at every transfer of accountability; available on all units
  • Standard work on how to use SBAR is available
  • PRH completes monthly audits performed by the unit to ensure consistencies and compliance with the standardized tool and results are shared
  • SBAR is reviewed during Nursing Orientation and part of the new hire orientation checklist
  • Clinical Educators are available for education and support to use to the tool


More information on client identification processes, procedures and policies can be found in the “Standard Work Process for SBAR”, “Transfer of Accountability Communication Tool - Nursing (SBAR)” and “Transfer of Accountability Interdepartmental Patient Transfers” documents in the

policy & procedure manual on the intranet. Additional departmental specific transfer or information tools may also be valid- check with your manager.

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